It is not common for keys to get stuck in Civics’ ignitions. Typically, you won’t encounter this problem throughout the vehicle’s life. As a safety precaution, the key cannot be removed if the vehicle is not in the Park.
Getting your keys stuck can be frustrating, but you shouldn’t worry about it. Most of the time, they can be fixed easily!
How To Get Key Out Of Ignition Honda Civic?
The following are two of the most common causes of your car getting stuck in your Honda:
The Steering Wheel Is Locked
Occasionally, drivers lock their steering wheels in place when turning off the car while attempting to turn it off. Try to move your steering wheel as much as possible while turning your key in the ignition. You should be able to free your key after a few attempts.
Parking In An Improper Manner
Some drivers miss the mark when setting their gear to Park. You can’t pull out the key if the car isn’t in Park. If you move your gear to another setting before properly returning it to Park, you can solve this problem.
Your ignition cylinder may need to be replaced if your key still won’t move. If that is the case, it would be best to call a mechanic to handle it.
Check to see if that works by jiggling the steering wheel. A release switch may allow you to shift into neutral if your car is automatic and you cannot jiggle the wheel.
Located near the gear shift, there should be a small plastic tab you can open to access the unlock switch. You can find exactly where that switch is in the owner’s manual.
Make Sure Key Is Inserted Correctly
Ensure the key is inserted correctly into the ignition switch on your Honda Civic. If you have a manual transmission, put it in Park before inserting the key and turning it ON/OFF.

Always keep a spare set of keys handy just in case you lose yours or they get misplaced. If you don’t use your car for an extended period, turn off the engine and AC so that any residual energy from when the vehicle was driven will be gone.
Always remember where your Honda Civic keys are to avoid getting locked out of your car.
Check If Lock is Properly Adjusted
If the key doesn’t turn in the ignition, it is likely that your lock is not correctly adjusted. Check to see if all keys are inserted fully into their locks and turned to the correct positions – this will make unlocking them much more accessible.

Look for any corrosion or damage on your car’s door handles; these could be preventing you from opening your car up quickly.
Ensure there is enough space between both keyholes when inserting a new key- sometimes, people put too much pressure on one side, which can cause problems down the line. Finally, if none of these tips work, you may need to take your Honda Civic in for servicing.
If All Else Fails, Call the Locksmith
If you’re having trouble getting your Honda Civic’s key out, you can try a few things before calling a locksmith. Check to see if the car has been hit in any way- This could force the key out of the ignition.

Try to jiggle or wiggle the key. Sometimes, something will get caught on it when it falls out and needs to be removed before trying again.
If all else fails, try using a plunger- Putting water onto the plunger head and inserting it into the crevice where keys usually go will help dislodge them (or at least loosen them). Finally, if none of these methods work, it may be time to call a locksmith.
How do I get my key out of the ignition of the Honda Civic?
If your Honda Civics steering wheel is locked, you can try turning the key as much as possible while moving the steering wheel. If your key is trapped inside the ignition, you must turn it while moving the steering wheel as much as possible to free it up.
How do I get my key unstuck from the ignition?
Apply pressure to the key cylinder with your hand and jiggle it back and forth. Use a hammer and nail to pry up on the key from the ignition switch housing. If you still can’t get the key unstuck, use a screwdriver or other tool to twist it in one direction and then another until it pops out of its socket.
How do you get a key unstuck from the ignition on a Honda Accord?
If the key is stuck in the ignition, try to wiggle it loose by turning the steering wheel around. If that doesn’t work, you can try using an essential removal tool or breaking the window glass and reaching inside to remove it.
How do I get the key out of the ignition of a Honda CRV?
Ensure the key is in the ignition and turn it to the “On” position. Locate and push down on the steering wheel lock cylinder, then twist the key out of the ignition switch. Remove the steering wheel from your vehicle. Finally, remove the key from the inside of the Ignition Switch.
To Recap
If you have a Honda Civic and the key won’t come out, there are several things that you can do. First, try using a different key. If that doesn’t work, try prying the key off of the ignition cylinder with a flathead screwdriver.
Finally, if all else fails and you can’t get the key to come out, your car may need to be taken in for repairs or replaced.
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