One code is enough to destroy a critical component of your vehicle. And delaying treatment can make matters worse. One such code is B1237.
And if you’re looking for the B1237 honda pilot code meaning, its causes, and how to fix it, you are at the right place.
The B1237 error code means that your car’s passenger-side air mix control motor is having some issues. This can happen due to several issues like- the air mix control motor being faulty, its harness being shorted, and so on.
However, you can easily fix this problem by following our recommended solutions. And if none of those work for you, or if you fear making a mistake, let a qualified mechanic handle it.

Causes of the B1237 Code in My Honda Pilot
The passenger-side air mix control motor is the root of all the reasons for this error code. So, don’t confuse it with the driver-side air mix control motor. They are different!
You may encounter the code if –
Your passenger-side air mix control motor is already defective; its circuit has a bad electrical connection, wires between the control motor and the climate control unit are shorted, or the climate control unit is damaged.
These are the most obvious reasons for the B1237 error code, and fixing them is also relatively easy. But in order to make a precise diagnosis, you must get familiar with specific signs. And those are discussed broadly just below.
Diagnose the Exact Cause of the B1237 Error Code

From the above discussion, the four causes for the error code are:
- Defective Passenger side air mix control motor
- The poor electrical connection of the control motor circuit
- Wires between the air motor and the climate control unit are shorted
- The defective climate control unit
The symptoms for each of these causes are essentially the same. It’s difficult to pinpoint the precise reason why the B1237 error code appears.
Still, you can consider some signs to take some fixing actions. These are –
- The abnormal air temperature inside the car
- Weird or loud noises from the AC
- Or if the Engine light suddenly turns On
How to Fix B1237 Honda Pilot Error Code?

As you cannot diagnose the exact cause, the wise decision would be to start fixing the small parts like the harness, wires, or the other electrical connections of the passenger side air mix control motor. And then you can take serious actions like- replacing the climate control unit if needed.
You wouldn’t need to invest a lot of money to solve these issues. However, it would be ideal if you take your vehicle to a repair shop. The knowledgeable personnel will certainly manage it with ease. It may cost you a little more money, but it will save you a lot of money and your beloved car.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, the fixing price for this error code won’t be high unless you need to replace the climate control unit.
The price to replace a temperature control unit varies depending on its brand and location. As a result, it is impossible to determine the precise price. However, the price range should be between $100 and $500.
The Bottom Line
After going through this blog, you should now have a clear idea of the B1237 Honda Pilot Error Code’s meaning, causes & fixes.
Well, the causes of this error code are actually not that serious. It is simple to repair. But be certain to act quickly and avoid procrastination. Otherwise, you never know when a small problem will become a big one. And to ensure continued good health, always upkeep your vehicle.
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