Between the traditional fight between Honda 450 and Honda 500, we believe Honda 500 is the leading winner.
Both 450 and 500 share almost the same features. But, the Foreman 500 exceeds the 450 models in some specialties and the oil capacity.
No, this article is not about Honda 450 Vs. Honda 500. But, it’s about the Honda 500 Foreman oil capacity which we think is a proper topic for us to cover.
To know more about the oil capacity of the Honda 500, keep reading the article with us.

About Honda 500 Foreman Oil Capacity,
The Honda 500 Foreman is a significant ATV from the Foreman series. It is a beast and delivers only power with the 28.7HP, running at 6,250 RPM. Plus, it can run 33.6 miles per gallon of oil.
As for the honda foreman oil capacity, the 500 model can slightly hold a bit more oil than the 450 model.
The Honda Foreman 500 has an oil capacity of 3.3L with a full tank capacity of 14.7L, slightly more (0.3L) than the 450 Foreman.
You can use Honda GN4 10W-30 oil or any other 10W-30 oil. Since 500 Foreman is a designed wet clutch system, you have to ensure you are using the right oil for the clutch system.
Any low or more than 3.3L can result in poor engine performance. That’s why it is important to check and recheck often, to maintain a healthy oil pan.
When to Change Honda Foreman 500 Oil Pan?

How often should you change the oil in your Honda Foreman 500? It depends on a variety of things, including the general condition of your car and the oil you use.
According to the official Honda guideline, the oil change interval for Honda Foreman 500 is 600 miles. Meaning, you should refill your Foreman 500’s oil after covering every 600 miles.
If you continue to do and ensure proper maintenance of the Honda 500, you have 100 operating hours per refill.
Even though the genuine guideline tells us to change the oil every 600 miles. Remember, external factors like continuous use in heavy weather or rough on the road may require you to change the oil more often than usual.
How to Change Honda Foreman 500 Oil?

You only need to follow a few steps with us. It starts here,
Step 1:
To warm up the oil, run the motor idle. After a while, remove the access panel cover. Before you refill new oil, it is essential to release the older oil faster.
Remove the dipstick and wait a while. Also, don’t forget to place a drain pan under the engine.
Step 2:
In this step, remove the 17mm drain bolt. In addition, press the washer from the engine’s foot.
While you are doing this, double-check the crush washer and replace it if necessary.
Wait a bit for the old oil to drain completely. Replace and reinstall the crush washer if it shows signs of wear. Also, remember to twist the bolt to 18-pound force.
Step 3:
Remove the 500 Foreman seat and right-side cover to access the oil filter.
Step 4:
In this step, you have to remove the oil filter cover as well as the three 8mm bolts. After that, exchange the old oil filter with a new one. Keep the oil filter spring in place.
Step 5:
The O-Ring seals the joints between separate parts and prevents fluid and gas leakage. It is connected to the oil filter cap.
To ensure the durability of your Foreman 500, test and replace the O-Ring if necessary. Replace the oil filter cover after twisting the bolts to 7-foot pounds. You will also have to put the right-side cover and seat in place.
Step 6:
It is time to refill the engine with oil. Use Honda GN4 10W-30 or any other 10W-30 that best suits your Foreman 500.
Step 7:
Now, you have to again run the engine idle for 15 seconds after removing the dipstick. Your Foreman 500 will have some time to settle down with the new oil flow in the engine.
Step 8:
Lastly, remove the dipstick and clean it. Return it inside the crankcase without re-threading it.
Now, check the oil level and make sure it covers up the level before putting the dipstick back in. Close the panel cover now.
It should be done for now. Cover your mileage and then think about refilling the oil tank again before it’s late.
However, it is always a good idea to check the operator’s manual for the most recent update and any changes.
And, if you still think you need help, you are always welcome to talk to a professional mechanic first.
Remember, machines listen to you better when you handle them with care.
Can I Use Any Other Oil for Honda Foreman 500?
We genuinely advise using the Honda GN4 10W-30 oil for Honda Foreman 500. Honda strictly specifies the type of oil ideal for any specific series.
Hence, whether it is with conventional, synthetic, or any blend type oil or if it refers to any specific viscosity such as the, 10W-40 or 5W-30 – Honda says it all.
Last Words,
Be aware of the Honda 500 Foreman oil capacity, not only to refill it on time but also to figure out whether your ATV is performing sound or not.
Usually, the 3.3L oil capacity is ideal for your Honda Foreman 500. But the full tank capacity is 14.7L, so you really don’t have to worry about the road.
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