Your Honda Civic’s dashboard lights let you know if there are any issues with your vehicle’s engine. As you may know, some lights are designed to warn you when a part is malfunctioning, while others are created to tell you when something minor is wrong.
Four different shades of illumination can be selected for the light bulbs in your car. As a general warning, the ones with a green or blue hue are considered the most important.
How To Change the Speedometer Color Honda Civic?
Often, when you see your vehicle’s warning lights glow red or orange, this indicates that there is something seriously wrong with it and that you need to take action right away.
The red malfunction light on the dashboard indicates that the vehicle’s internal systems are experiencing a problem. There is a danger of them appearing at any time, even while you are driving since they can occur at any moment.
There are a few crucial ones that need to be mentioned. Now it is time for the moment of truth: you cannot change the color of your Honda Civics’ speedometer. Aftermarket modifications are the only way to accomplish this.
What to Do to Change Speedometer Color in Honda Civic
You need to take a few steps to change the speedometer color on your Honda Civic. First, remove the dashboard cover by unscrewing the four screws at its base.

Next, use a marker or pencil to draw a new speedometer line on top of the old one and replace the cover. Finally, screw everything back into place and enjoy your newly customized speedometer.
What to Do to Cut the Plastic Around the Speedometer Needle
Use a razor blade or an X-Acto knife to cut out the portion of plastic surrounding the speedometer needle on your Honda Civic. This will give you direct access to the sensor and allow you to change its color.

Be sure that whatever material you use for protection is durable so that it won’t tear or wear away over time. Don’t forget that this modification requires some basic skills with a cutting tool, so practice beforehand if necessary.
Once you’ve completed the task, reinstall your car’s cover and enjoy your new Speedometer Color.
Reinstall the Dashboard Cover and Enjoy Your New Speedometer Color
Speedometers come in various colors, so finding the perfect one for your car is easy. You can change the speedometer color on your Honda Civic by reinstalling the dashboard cover.

Be sure to follow all instructions carefully and ensure you don’t damage any parts of your car while doing this. Enjoy your new speedometer color once you’ve installed the new dashboard cover.
If you ever need to replace the dash cover again, buy from an authorized Honda dealer. The speed doesn’t cause problems with the wiper blades.
To Recap
It is possible to change the speedometer color on a Honda Civic. This can be done by removing the cover that covers the speedometer and accessing the wiring under it.
There are three wires – red, white, and black – and each needs to be connected differently depending on what color you want your speedo to be. Once all the connections have been made, reattach the cover, and your new color will appear on the screen.
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