When it comes to your car, having two keys is the best way to go. The master key fits all the locks on your vehicle and can be used in both ignition and door locks.
You can leave the glove box locked when you’re leaving your vehicle, and put the valet key at a parking facility or somewhere else safe if you lose or forget it.
If someone steals your car, replacing both keys will help keep them from being able to drive away with it.
What Is The Difference Between A Master Key And A Valet Key?
The master Key fits all the locks on your vehicle. The valet Key works only in the ignition and the door locks. You can keep the glove box locked when you leave your vehicle and put the valet Key at a parking facility.
If Lost or Stolen, Replace Both Keys.

How is a valet key different?
A nice note is several sports car have valet keys with smart technologies.
A valet key is a special type of key that’s intended for use by people who work in the car industry, such as valets or mechanics. These keys are different than regular car keys because they have smart technology built in.
This technology will allow the user to open the car door and start the engine, but it will also protect these areas from being unlocked by other people.
The benefit of having a valet key is that it makes it easier for someone to get into and out of their car without struggling with complicated locks or tools.
They’re not just for cars – sports cars often come with valet keys so that drivers can leave them with repair shops instead of having to retrieve them themselves.

How do you tell if a key is a master key?
If a key operates two or more unique locks, it can be called a master key. A master key will look like any other key within the system, but the cuts will differentiate it.
Master keys are usually specific to one location and may not be available for purchase or rent by the public.
Occasionally, special-purpose keys that only work in certain places or with certain equipment may also fall into this category, known as “key blanks” or “programming keys”.
The best way to determine if your lock is compatible with a master key is to contact your security provider or contractor who installed your lock system
Can I use my valet key to drive?
Yes, you can use your valet key to drive your car. It will open your car door and start the ignition, and you can take it from there. The only thing it wouldn’t do is open your glove compartment and trunk door as a layer of security in case you have valuables in there and you’ve handed your valet keys to someone else.
Make sure that whoever gets a hold of the key knows how to use it safely so they don’t cause any damage or inconvenience while driving for you. Keep track of who has access to the key so nobody accidentally drives away with your car without knowing how to get back.
Do all cars have a valet key?
Not all cars have a valet key, so if you want to keep your car clean and shiny you’ll need to use another method of cleaning it.
A valet key is an extra key that’s specific to certain models or makes of cars. Usually those with higher value and it restricts access to certain parts of the vehicle so that the car can be properly serviced.
If you don’t have a valet key, you’ll need to take your car in for regular service or do some other kind of maintenance on it yourself in order to keep it looking good.
You might not even know that your car doesn’t have a valet key. Make sure to ask the dealer before buying it.
In some cases, raising the price of a model without a valet key may discourage customers from buying them since they won’t be able to use them as intended

How much does a valet key cost?
A valet key is an inexpensive way to have a spare key for your car. Depending on the brand of vehicle, you can get one made for $50 or less at your local dealership.
Make sure you purchase a valet key that will fit your specific make and model of car – some brands are universal while others require a specific type of key fob.
You’ll need to schedule an appointment with your dealer in order to get the key created. It won’t take long and it’s worth the convenience.
Keep a copy of your original ignition keys in case there is ever an emergency where you cannot access your car’s engine (like if it’s locked).
Having a spare key saves time when getting into your car. Never be caught without one again.
Is Having a Valet Key Dangerous?
Yes, thieves might try to steal your car if they find your valet key. Always keep your valet key safe and secret. If you ever lose your valet key, contact your car’s manufacturer for a replacement. Thieves may be able to steal your car even if you don’t have a valet key.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether or not having a valet key is dangerous.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to go this route.
- Make sure you have a backup plan in place if your valet key is lost or stolen.
- Always have your valet key with you when you are driving your car.
- Never leave your car unattended with the valet key in the ignition.
- Make sure you have an emergency contact information for your valet service in case of an accident.
- Never give your valet key to anyone other than your trusted valet service.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my valet key not work?
If your valet key does not work, it is likely that the regular key was reprogrammed with a new ECU and not the valet key. If you have a valet key, programming it to work with your car may be required.
Why is a valet car key?
Some cars come with an additional key known as a valet key that starts the ignition and opens the driver’s side door, but prevents the valet from gaining access to valuables that are located in the trunk or the glove box.
Can a valet key get wet?
If you get the valet key wet, it will likely not start the car. To clean it and try again:
- Put a dry cloth over the key fob and put your hand over the button to prevent water from coming in contact with the metal.
- Push down on top of key fob until you see any movement; then pull up. The key should now be spin able so remove cover carefully by prying off two screws at each end (if located near edge).
- If there is still water on surface – wipe entire area with paper towel or tissue before reattaching cover
- Replace lost/damaged valet card if available
- Turn valet access code into dealership’s computer using your personal identification number.
To Recap
A Master Key is a key that opens many locks, while a Valet Key only opens the door to one particular car. If you lose your Master Key, you’ll need to get a new one made or find someone who has the original. A Valet Key can also be used on other types of doors where just having it in your possession will let you open them.
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