When the P0302 engine code occurs, the underlying problem (or problems) must be addressed right away to prevent serious drivability issues. So, here’s everything you need to know if your vehicle’s check engine light appears, and the OBD-II scanner reads a P0302 code.
“Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected” is the meaning behind the P0302 diagnostic trouble code (DTC). The cause for this code to appear in your Honda can be triggered by several things, and a mechanic must identify which cause is responsible for it.
There are many causes of multiple misfires, ranging from faulty spark plugs to low engine compression. Therefore, it is best to take your car to a shop to diagnose it quickly and accurately because many variables can cause a misfire.
What Does The P0302 Honda Code Mean?
It is common for Honda vehicles to have either 4 or 6 cylinders. Spark plugs are fired one by one in each cylinder. Each cylinder has a spark plug on top. Spark plugs produce energy by igniting explosive air/fuel mixtures with an electric spark.
Crankshafts are powered by the energy released by fuel combustion. To regulate the rotation of the crankshaft, all the cylinders work together. As a result, a continuous rotation of the crankshaft is possible when each cylinder fires.
The smooth operation of the vehicle is due to this process. For example, misfiring cylinders can cause an increase or decrease in crankshaft revolutions per minute (RPM). Whenever that percentage exceeds 2 percent, a trouble code is stored in the powertrain control module.

The Check Engine Light will illuminate if there is a change in crankshaft revolutions per minute between 2 and 10%. The Check Engine Light will blink if crankshaft revolutions per minute have changed by more than 10 percent.
If your Check Engine Light blinks, your problem may be more serious. There is a misfiring in cylinder 2 due to a lack of spark to its spark plug, resulting in the P0302 trouble code.
What Causes The P0302 Honda Code?
An engine misfire occurs when combustion in one cylinder is incomplete (or absent). In combustion, a pressurized mixture of air and fuel ignites inside the combustion chamber above each piston, resulting in a small explosion.
These explosions’ precise timing is used to maximize their power and efficiency. In the combustion event, inert nitrogen (78 percent of the air charge) is superheated and expands, pushing the piston downward.
The crankshaft generates torque by delivering rotational force to the transmission or transaxle, then transmitted to the drive wheels. A misfire DTC ranges from P0300 to P0312. Code P0302 is part of this series. Each code indicates a misfire on a particular cylinder between P0301 and P0312.

When your car has a 12-cylinder engine, code P0301 indicates a misfire in cylinder 1 while code P0312 indicates a misfire in cylinder 12. In contrast to a cylinder misfire, code P0300 indicates a “random misfire.”
What Are The Symptoms Of P0302 Honda Code?
In addition to faulty ignition and fuel systems, internal engine failure can cause misfires. This is often caused by worn-out or faulty spark plug coil packs, especially if you haven’t tuned up in a while. There are also the following symptoms:

- Consumption of fuel increases
- Fuel that is old or contaminated is of poor quality
- When a car is stopped, it dies or stalls
- Compression low in the engine
- It is difficult to drive the car because it lacks power
- Sensors on the crankshaft and/or camshaft are defective
- Rough-running or rough-idling engine
- Problems with ignition coils, including failures or damages
- During acceleration, the car hesitates
- Spark plug wires and/or spark plugs that have become faulty or worn
- Having trouble starting the car
- A flashing or on-going Check Engine Light
Diagnosing & Fixing The Honda P0302 Code
It is important to fix P0302 as soon as possible. To diagnose the problem properly, you must examine all possible causes. If you do not have the necessary experience or skills to perform DIY auto repairs, have a professional mechanic take a look at your vehicle.

Most-if not all-OBD-II trouble codes can’t be solved by a simple, umbrella solution, to be honest. A professional may be better suited to handle automotive repairs if you are unfamiliar with them.
How Much Does It Cost to Fix Code P0302?
It can be caused by a variety of things, such as old spark plugs, vacuum leaks, or poor compression in the engine. A proper diagnosis is necessary before giving an accurate estimate.
In most shops, this usually costs $75-150 depending on the labor rate. This diagnosis fee is usually applied to any repairs required if you have the shop perform them.
In this case, a repair shop can give you an accurate estimate for repairs that need to be made to correct the P0302 error code. To resolve the underlying cause of P0302, one or more of the following repairs may be required.
Prices include both parts and labor and are based on national averages. The cost of your vehicle may vary based on where you live and what type of vehicle you have.
- $200-$400 for fuel pressure regulators
- $1300-$1700 for a fuel pump
- $100-$200 for vacuum leaks
- $1500-$1900 for fuel injectors
- $180-$240 for spark plug wires
- The price of ignition coils ranges from $230 to 640 (it may be necessary to remove the intake manifold on some cars.)
- 66-250 dollars for spark plugs
P0302 Code Considerations
Make sure the other spark plugs are replaced when one of the spark plugs needs to be replaced. Replacement of one coil pack does not require replacement of the other coil packs.
Replacing one spark plug won’t solve the problem when the car displays this type of code. Instead, check cylinder 2’s wiring or coil pack with another cylinder’s wires or coil pack to determine whether a faulty wire or coil pack is causing the misfiring issue.

This indicates that the coil pack or wire is causing the misfire if a trouble code is stored for that cylinder by the powertrain control module. Diagnosing and repairing other trouble codes related to the misfiring issue is also necessary.
Is The P0302 Code Serious?
There is a serious problem associated with the P0302 error code. Operating a vehicle with some of the symptoms associated with this code is dangerous.
It is possible for the vehicle to abruptly stop or stall out. Furthermore, ignoring the trouble code could damage other engine components. The P0302 error code should be addressed immediately because of these reasons.
Identification, diagnosis, and correction of the underlying cause of a misfire code should be completed as soon as possible. Misfiring engines, for instance, have less than ideal combustion in one or more of their cylinders, reducing engine efficiency.
Consequently, a driver may experience a range of drivability issues, potentially leaving him or her stranded in the worst-case scenario. A misfire DTC that is not resolved can damage an automobile’s catalytic converter, which is the most serious issue.
By delivering unburned fuel downstream through a car’s exhaust system, unburned fuel can superheat a catalytic converter’s core structure. As a result, catalytic converters usually fail prematurely.
Final Words
It’s worth noting that a P0302 may have more than one possible cause if other misfire codes accompany it. However, by itself, code P0302 indicates that only cylinder 2 is malfunctioning.
However, multiple misfire codes can indicate a problem affecting several cylinders, such as a vacuum leak or low fuel pressure.
When a misfire occurs consistently on one cylinder, the ECM/PCM usually shuts the injector down until the engine is started again. The catalytic converter is protected in this way.
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