The Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is a part of your car’s Onboard Diagnostics (OBD) that tells you what problem is currently affecting your engine. For example, the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P0507 refers to an idle control system with a higher RPM than expected.
There are several reasons why the engine code P0507 may arise, including dirty components, a vacuum leak, or a part failure.
Engine Control Modules (ECMs) trigger the P0507 code when idle RPMs exceed the specified idle range, causing the engine to burp.
According to the model of the vehicle, the engine idles between 600 and 800 RPM. If the idle rpm exceeds the ECU’s allowed range, the P0507 code is set.

P0507 Honda Code Definition: Idle Control System RPM Higher Than Expected
Having a P0507 code indicates that the idle control system is running at excessively high speeds – this is also called a ‘high idle.’
A vehicle’s Engine Control Unit (ECU) must maintain a specific RPM range when it is idling – that is when it is not moving. Depending on the model, the standard RPM range ranges from 600-800.
The vehicle goes into a failsafe mode when the RPM is higher than expected, causing the ‘Check Engine light to illuminate. Upon triggering this code, the Check Engine Light illuminates on the dashboard, and the vehicle enters failsafe mode.
While in idle speed mode, the idle control system works to prevent the engine from stalling. Besides operating, the air conditioner, alternator, and other power-consuming features allow the car to remain on.
What Are The Symptoms Of The P0507 Code?

The car owner can detect a P0507 code even if they are inexperienced. Here are some symptoms to keep an eye out for:
- Acceleration problems in a car
- When the car stalls frequently when idling
- The engine can sound rough when idling
- An idle mode may cause the engine to sound noisier than normal
- A light on the dashboard that reads ‘Check Engine
Other code sets may need to be diagnosed before interpreting this DTC. In the absence of other codes, inspect the intake air system for leaks, damages, or leaks of air or vacuum. Then, simply clear the DTC and see if it returns if there are no symptoms other than the code itself.
What Causes The P0507 Code?
It is possible that the engine control unit can display a P0507 code due to several issues. Here are some possible causes, though it is difficult to find the problem without inspecting the whole unit:
- Throttle air intakes with excessive carbon buildup
- A damaged throttle body
- IAC short circuits
- There is a leak in the EGR valve
- The EVAP system is malfunctioning
- There is a fault with the pressure switch on the power steering
- Control valve for idle air malfunctioning
- Flow leaks in intake manifolds
Cause of Honda P0507

When you clean the throttle body and remove carbon, the Honda P0507 fast idle issue can occur. There is a change in idle speed due to the new position of the idle plate.
P0507s can also be caused by vacuum leaks, so make sure to inspect the PCV valve and hose, EVAP canister purge valve, intake manifold gaskets, and brake booster hose for leaks.
How To Diagnose A P0507 Code?
An OBD-II (Onboard Diagnostics) scanner can either diagnose a P0507 code for you or a qualified technician. The scanner checks and shows you what code has been triggered when you connect it to your car’s DLC port.
To verify the existence of the P0507 code after clearing the codes from the system, you should test-drive the vehicle and replicate the malfunction. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, you can move forward with fixing the problem.
How Does A Mechanic Diagnose The P0507 Code?

- Using a scan tool, check for any codes present on the vehicle’s DLC port.
- A note is made about the DTC freeze frame data for use on the test drive, and the codes are cleared.
- To duplicate the malfunction, perform a test drive.
- Verifies whether vacuum lines have been torn or if outside air is leaking by performing a visual inspection
- Ensures proper opening and closing of the throttle body and that excessive carbon has not built up there
- Checks the RPM while testing the IAC and power steering pressure switch with a scan tool
- Performs a charging system test
Common Mistakes When Diagnosing The P0507 Code

By following the steps incorrectly or not performing them at all, simple items are overlooked, and mistakes are made. In addition, a few different systems are involved in the P0507 code, and if one system is overlooked, working parts may need to be replaced.
Be sure that the component responsible for the P0507 code is the one you are replacing before you do so. Among the most common mistakes are replacing throttle bodies, idle air control valves, or power steering pressure switches before visual inspection or vacuum leak checks.
How Much Does It Cost to Fix Code P0507?
Various factors can result in P0507, such as a vacuum leak in the intake system or a dirty throttle body. Therefore, an accurate estimate cannot be given without first diagnosing the problem.
You will usually be charged an hour of “diagnosis time” if you take your car to a shop for diagnosis. Labor rates vary from $75 to $150, depending on where you work.
If you have your shop perform the repairs for you, this diagnosis fee will be applied to any required repairs. Afterward, a shop can provide you with an accurate estimate of what you’ll need to do to fix your P0507 error code.
The underlying issue may require one or more of the following repairs to resolve error code P0507. Estimated repair costs include both the cost of parts and labor required to make each repair.
- Adjusting the throttle cable costs $50-100
- $150-600 for idle air control valves
- Approximately $600-$1000 for an electronic throttle body
- It costs between $200 and $350 to replace the power steering pressure sensor
- $150-$250 to fix a leaky intake or vacuum
- $150 to 350 for labor, $20 to $40 for parts to clean the idle air control valve
- The cost of cleaning the throttle body ranges from $150-$250 for labor and $20-$40 for parts
How Serious Is The P0507 Code?
As soon as the malfunction occurs, the vehicle should be able to drive to a safe location. A vehicle may have trouble running due to idle fluctuations, but the engine won’t usually malfunction.
Honda Idle Relearn
- Activate the IGN switch
- You need to reset the PCM
- Turn on the engine.
- In a park or neutral, keep the engine speed at 3,000 RPM until the radiator fan starts automatically or the coolant temperature reaches 194°F.
- Allow the engine to idle for 5 minutes with the throttle fully closed after releasing the pedal.
Final Words
Usually, over 100k miles, excessive carbon deposits can form on the idle air valve and throttle body. By clogging these parts or preventing proper movement, this buildup can cause problems with their operation. If you want to remove the carbon buildup from the throttle body, you can use a throttle body cleaner.
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