You can maintain control of your Honda Accord by using the traction control system, or TCS. All four wheels are monitored by TCS aka traction control system. It applies brakes to the front wheel when it senses it is losing traction.
This results in the TCS indicator flashing. Although the TCS switch wears out over time, it is rarely a sign that the braking system is malfunctioning.
On a Honda, you simply need to replace the TCS switch located above the brake pedal to fix the TCS light.
I know you have a lot of questions on your mind about the Honda Accord TCS light. This article will help to answer most, if not all, of them.
What Is The TCS Light?
TCS helps you maintain control on slippery or loose surfaces when driving slower (up to 18 mph). Sensors connected to the TCS system monitor the speed of each wheel in conjunction with the ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System).
During our harsh winters, salt and gravel can cause corrosion in wheel speed sensors, resulting in a light that stays on. Furthermore, it is also possible that one of the sensor wires is damaged.

What Does Honda Accord’s TCS Light Do?
The TCS light on your Honda Accord serves two purposes. Traction Control System (TCS) engagement is the first function of this indicator.
The brakes are applied to any wheel losing traction when engaged, helping you maintain control of your Accord. As a second function, it informs you when something is wrong with TCS.
When the TCS light flashes, the system is actively engaged in helping to eliminate wheel spin, so that is normal. Long periods of time are what cause problems, not short periods.
- When it stays on for a long time, it is a problem.
- The flashing of light for a short period indicates active working.
What Causes Honda Accord TCS Light To Come On?
A number of reasons can cause the TCS Light on your Honda Accord:
TCS Computer Not Working
As a result of the data collected by the various speed sensors, the TCS computer activates the braking system and maintains the vehicle’s stability.
There will be no traction control until the computer can interpret this data again. The TCS light will illuminate if the computer can no longer interpret this data.

Speed Sensor(S) For Wheels
Each of your Accord’s wheels has a speed sensor that measures its speed. Sensor data indicates that one of the wheels is turning faster than the others, which causes the TCS system to engage and slow the slipping wheel down.
In cases where a wheel speed sensor has failed, the TCS light will also illuminate with the ABS light. The check engine light may also be on, so get an OBD-II scanner and see if wheel speed codes are stored.
You can actually save a lot of time with a good scanner and find out the exact cause of the light. For TCS to work, the ABS system must be functioning, so any problem with it will interfere with TCS.
Brakes Overheating
You can overheat the brakes if you use the TCS system excessively or drive in extremely harsh conditions.
Therefore, the traction control system is deactivated until the brakes reach the proper temperature. Once the brakes have cooled, the TCS light will come on.

The TCS Switch Has Been Bumped
When the TCS switch is bumped accidentally, the traction control system will be deactivated. Lights will remain on until they are reactivated. So, despite the fact that it seems so obvious, it happens every day.
Honda Accord TCS Light Troubleshooting
A vehicle’s traction control system comprises wheel speed sensors, ABS, and electronic controllers. A TCS warning light indicates that diagnostic trouble codes are stored if the traction control system on your vehicle is malfunctioning.
Codes such as those will provide clues that will assist in finding and repairing any faults in TCS. However, a mechanic must still perform an actual diagnostic to pinpoint the exact cause of a check engine light since codes have been stored that identify the general area of the fault.
How To Reset TCS Light On Honda Accord?
Holding down the brake pedal while turning off and then turning back on the Honda Accord will reset the TCS light.
You will need to check your traction control system if the light comes back on. As you turn or drive over ice, the system regulates how your tires spin, keeping you in control and traction.
You are more likely to crash if the system is down, especially if you go over ice and are unaware of it. Therefore, it is important to take your car to a shop immediately if this light keeps coming on.
Fixing the TCS light on a Honda Accord
Honda Accord TCS light won’t turn off? Here’s how you can fix it.
- Replace your TCS switch with a new one. Typically, it costs around $30.
- The brake pedal of your car should be pressed by something heavy. By doing this, the brake pedal will be further away from the switch above it.
- The wiring harness must be disconnected from the TCS. The TCS switch can be removed by removing the screw.
- The new TCS switch should be tightened, and the wiring harness should be replaced. You should no longer see the TCS light after starting the engine.
- A mechanic can always replace the switch if you don’t feel confident doing it yourself. The replacement will, however, cost between $50 and $100.
Are There Any Symptoms?
In normal driving conditions, the TCS light should be the only symptom you notice. However, when traction control is needed, that exception would apply. There is a possibility that your vehicle will slide and crash.
The Bottom Line
The TCS light can appear for various reasons, usually a malfunctioning wheel speed sensor.
Hopefully, you will be able to diagnose the problem soon. Traction control is not necessary for your Honda Accord to run and drive.
Using the system on a normal dry day or week may not be necessary. However, without it, you won’t be as safe.
You never know when you will need it but having it’s not a bad idea. It is therefore recommended that the system be repaired immediately. You must drive carefully until you can get the car into a shop.
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