A state ref has the authority to check and give tickets to a driver whenever necessary. However, not all of us know what a state ref can actually do. Due to this, we are often confused while driving on the road.
So, what does a state ref do, and how do I ref a car?
A state ref is an official process that enables you to complete the registration process of a new vehicle. To ref a car, you need to appoint a schedule with statements and pay the fees as required.
During an inspection, the referee can only determine whether or not the vehicle is in compliance with state emissions standards or exhaust noise standards.
Following the vehicle’s passing at the Referee, you will have to clear the citation with the issuing agency or court.
Now, this gives you an overview of what you are looking for. Read along to get every detail of it with many useful insights.

What Does a State Referee Actually Do?
Well, a state ref is a formal and official service by the state for a new vehicle. That means it is a registration service which is conducted by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
This service is to provide the new user of the vehicle with all the necessary paperwork needed to complete the registration.
Without the operations of state ref by the Department of Motor Vehicles, you can not complete the overall registration process of your car. That means you will not have access to drive your new vehicle on the road without completing it.
How to Ref A Car?
As the state ref process is not familiar to new drivers, many people make mistakes. So, here we have got a complete process of how to ref a car properly. Take a look.
Step 1: Make an Appointment

The first thing you do is schedule an appointment to meet the referee of the state. Then the state ref would check your car and inspect its components.
On that day, the state ref would check if every component was going fine as per the laws and policy of the state.
Step 2: Get Necessary Statements
Once the state ref inspects the components of your car, you have to take the statement of it.
In the statement, there will be the details and analysis of what is alright and what is not in your car.
Step 3: Take the Statements to the Department of Motor Vehicle

As you get the statements from the state ref, you need to carry these with you. This is because you will have to submit these documents to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The department would then let you know about the issues and notify you about the required fees to clarify the issues.
Step 4: Pay the Fees
Once you get the instructions from the Department of Motor Vehicles, you know about the required fees.
So, you just have to pay the fees as stated to clarify the tickets and ref your car.
This is how you can ref your new car as you buy it.
What Happens If I Get a Ticket from the State Ref?

Getting tickets while driving is a very common thing, to be honest. However, getting tickets from the state ref is not a usual thing.
So, you may wonder what happens if I get a ticket from the state ref. Well, if you get a ticket from the state ref, you need to pay a fee as a fine, depending on the condition.
In general, you need to pay at least an amount of $50, even if it is at the primary stage. Note that the fee might rise up to $700 or even more if the case is serious. However, there is usually no imprisonment or jail for a state ref ticket.
What Are Some Common Tickets Given by the State Ref?
The state ref would mainly give 3 tickets to a driver. Starting from the first, the ref might give you a ticket smog exemption (a ticket that frees vehicles from smog inspection requirements in California) which is quite common.
Note that the state ref may also give you a ticket for different parts having issues or not in the right position. For instance, not having a proper license plate or even non-functioning taillights or headlights.
Finally, a state ref may also get you a ticket for breaching the state’s law while driving there.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, you must not drive your car on the road without completing the state ref process. If you want, then you may actually drive your car for a little bit of time. But it would be risky to do so as you might get a ticket anytime.
The state ref process neither takes a very long time nor a short period. It takes around a few weeks to complete the entire process. However, if there is any complication in the documents, it might take a few months too.
A person is fined at least a fee of about $108 if he has not completed the state ref process. Note that the fine might increase even more from time to time and depending on a few conditions. However, there would be no jail for this.
The Final Words
Now you have got a complete idea about what a state ref does! We believe you can now ref a car without any complications. Basically, the state ref shoves your illegal mods up your pant shaft and puts you over his knee.
Remember one thing about state ref all the time. If you are driving in a new city or place for the first time, try to get through the basic driving rules first. This would help you to keep yourself away from any complications of tickets while driving.
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