I am sure you are aware of the fact that when you press “LOCK” twice on your remote, the car will emit a beep.
However, after pressing twice on the button to unlock the car, it no longer beeps, and the lights are not blinking to let me know that the car is locked.
Although the doors lock, neither the beep nor the flashing lights appear anymore. What is causing this? Car owners often face this situation. Most of the time, your car isn’t beeping because the trunk is open.
There is a problem with your trunk or your back doors not closing all the way. The following are some other possible reasons why this might be the case.

How To Set Your Car To Honk When Using The Key To Lock The Doors?
You will usually find that the anti-theft alarm system on your vehicle is also connected to the horn system, which is usually programmed to honk when the owner requests it.
When you press the panic button on your car’s keychain, the alarm will be set off, but some cars allow a single honk when you press the door-lock button on your keychain.
This is the case for the majority of cars on the road today. It is known as the audible-chirp feature of the device. Based on the alarm model, you will be able to access this feature — as well as its programming instructions.
Step 1
The “lock” button on your key fob should elicit a honk in your vehicle. The “lock” button should be pressed repeatedly. You may need to double-tap the button after locking your device for it to beep.
Your chirp feature is probably disabled if the horn doesn’t honk, but the lights flash. It is possible that your system does not come with this feature if you do not see the lights flash.
Step 2
The details of your alarm system can be found in your owner’s manual. It depends on the alarm model whether the chirp feature can be set in all cars.
The key fob needs to be enabled using the instructions in the owner’s manual in order for the program to work.
Step 3
If your car model doesn’t have this feature, take the device to your dealership for further information.
The dealership can determine whether this feature is included with your vehicle and whether you can program it.
The self-programming feature is available on many alarms, but some require the dealership to enable it.
Step 4
The audible chirp can be enabled using your keyless fob and ignition key. There is a considerable difference between different makes and models regarding the process.
A dealership or alarm manufacturer can usually provide you with the correct procedure to follow.
Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Beep When You Lock It
One of the most common reasons might be that the alarm was disabled, or the beep was disabled. The beep can be enabled by checking your alarm’s manual.
The alarm should be repaired or replaced if it doesn’t sound. There are also the following reasons:
The Alarm Control Module Is Defective

Factory-installed car alarms often integrate a main electric component control module with an alarm control unit, so faulty control modules are rare.
The alarm control module of an aftermarket car alarm typically controls all sensors and switches; if the control module fails, the alarm may occasionally sound.
The Alarm Was Installed Incorrectly
You may be experiencing a problem because of incorrect installation if you have recently installed a new car alarm system.
The mechanic workshop should explain your problem to you, and if you installed it yourself, make sure you double-check everything and review the installation manual.
Key Fobs That Are Faulty

By pushing a button, you can lock or unlock your car doors and even start the engine with the key fob, also known as a car remote key.
In addition to being linked to the car alarm system, the key fob also sends signals to the car alarm system, so a malfunctioning or faulty one may trigger the alarm.
You can fix the problem by checking and replacing the battery on the key fob or by resetting the device.
It may be necessary to reprogram your key fobs when you have replaced the batteries, and you are having communication problems.
The door Lock Sensor Is Faulty
Similar to a hood latch sensor, your car alarm monitors your car’s doors to ensure no one is opening them.
This means that a faulty door latch sensor could set off a car alarm. Door latch sensors are frequently mounted inside door lock actuators, but they can sometimes be placed externally as well.
In the event that it just happens occasionally, though, it can be difficult to find a faulty door latch sensor. When the door is open or closed, a door latch sensor has two wires, which are connected by an open circuit, or vice versa.
A multimeter can be used easily to measure this. Since the door actuators are usually located inside the door, measuring from the control unit instead might be more difficult.
The sensor On The Hood Latch Is Faulty

As a result of hood latch sensors in modern vehicles, the alarm is triggered if someone attempts to force open the hood.
When debris, dust, and grime collect near the hood latch sensor, the alarm will go off, depending on your car’s condition.
You will need to clean the sensor in order to resolve this issue. It is possible that someone has tampered with or damaged the sensor if the alarm still sounds.
If you suspect the sensor is faulty, replace it. Sensors for hood latches are usually installed inside hood locks but can also be installed outside.
Is It Possible To Permanently Turn Off A Car Alarm?
When it comes to aftermarket car alarms, removing the alarm if you no longer want it is usually quite simple.
Depending on the car model, it may be difficult to remove the car alarm completely if it was installed from the factory.
What Is The Location Of The Car Alarm Sensors?
You will find door alarm sensors inside your car’s lock units in the doors, trunk, and hood.
According to the car model and how modern it is, you may also find motion sensors and other types of trigger sensors.
When I Lock My Honda, Why Doesn’t It Beep?
Keyless Lock Answer Back is turned off on Honda Accords if they do not beep when the doors are locked.
Your Accord’s beeping can either be turned on or off when you exit the vehicle and lock it with the fob. Keyless Lock Answer Back can be used to adjust this setting.
A Quick Fix
You can reset it by holding down the lock and unlock buttons until a honk is heard. Unfortunately, a horn does not honk if a door is open, so it might think a door is open if it doesn’t honk.
The Bottom Line
There is a possibility that one of the doors is not closed properly or that the “door closed” sensing switch is not fully depressed.
I want to point out that this includes the hood and the trunk lid/liftgate. Your issue might be caused by being unable to press all of the closure switches fully, so you should check that.
If you still can’t figure out why your car is beeping when you lock it, then have a car mechanic inspect it.
My 2015 Honda CR-V LX stopped beeping after I had the AC replaced because the compressor failed. It turned out that the cables by the hood latch were not reconnected. Once those were connected again, the beep was restored!