The oil light flashing is a common problem that can happen in all Honda Accord models. The flashing light may happen after the vehicle has been driven for a while and the engine oil level is low.
The first step is to check your dashboard for the oil warning light. If it’s on, then there’s too little engine oil, or it’s leaking out of your car. You need to stop driving and have your vehicle towed immediately.
If you find that your engine oil level is low, then fill up with new engine oil through a filler tube at the top of your vehicle’s crankcase or by unscrewing and removing its metal lid from below the car’s hood – whichever way works.
Whenever the oil light comes on, it means there is not enough oil pressure in the engine, so you shouldn’t continue to drive the vehicle. The engine is at risk if it is damaged. So, check the oil level first before starting the engine.
A flashing light indicates that the oil pressure dropped rapidly for a moment before recovering. The indicator will remain on if the engine is running and there is a loss of oil pressure, which may result in serious engine damage. Either way, you should act immediately.

Oil Pressure Low Light: What Does It Mean?
The oil pressure light will illuminate when there is not enough oil in the engine. If oil pressure is low or oil has lost pressure, it simply means that there is a problem with the pressure of the oil.
If your oil pressure indicator light is on while you are running your engine, it is best to shut it down immediately. Driving the car, however, may result in total engine damage.
When your oil pressure light comes on while driving, park your car and turn it off; when you have turned off your car, allow it to rest for a few minutes. The engine needs to cool down. Check the oil level in the car after you open the hood. Only very low engine oil can cause the oil to lose pressure.
Fill up the oil until the dipstick shows the right level. The level cannot be above or below it. Start your vehicle’s engine once you’re back in it. Check the oil pressure indicator after starting the engine.
After a few seconds, it should go down. In any case, if it doesn’t, there might be a serious mechanical problem. For a complete diagnosis, you’ll need to have it towed in. Now let’s look at some of the reasons why the low oil pressure light appears.
Why is My Oil Light Flashing On Honda Accord?
The forum experts strongly recommend stopping your Honda Accord whenever the oil light flashes. A complete overhaul of the engine might be required if you don’t do this.
It may be best to have it towed if the auto shop is far away. Moving parts in an engine are subject to a high level of friction, making oil a vital component in lubricating them.
Besides indicating the need to change the oil, the oil light monitor also indicates when the engine is experiencing mechanical problems. By reading this guide, you can detect the mechanical problem that causes your oil light to flash and their possible solutions.
1. Make Sure The Oil Filter Is Clean

There’s a possibility that the oil filter on the Accord has become clogged with debris, resulting in a decrease in oil pressure. In addition, debris will increase oil flow resistance since filters create some resistance to oil flow.
If you continue to use the same oil filter past the recommended mileage, you may get this problem. It might be a good idea to give your car a fresh oil change and replace the oil filter with a better one if previous steps have not been detected. A new filter and oil will cost about $50.
2. Make Sure There Are No Leaks Of Oil
Low oil pressure and flashing oil lights are symptoms of leaks within the oil system of your Honda Accord. In addition, the head gasket, oil filter, and even the oil plug should all be checked for leaks inside the engine bay.
In addition, you should check the oil pan for any cracks or damage since this may be the cause of the oil leak. You can tell you have oil stains under your car if you see them. Depending on where and how the leak is located, it may cost as little as $10 or several hundred dollars.
3. Make Sure The Oil Pressure Sensor Is Working

The oil light will flash if the oil pressure sensor malfunctions even though the level is normal, and the oil pressure sensor is working. Frequently turning on and off the oil pressure light while driving indicates the oil pressure sensor may be faulty.
There’s a good chance the problem is caused by a broken sensor; however, you should check the oil level just to be sure. Low-grade oil pressure sensors could also be the cause.
The wiring of a low-grade sensor can wear out or corrode quickly, and the sensor is prone to breaking. The best solution to the problem would be to replace the oil pressure sensor if you find it to be the cause.
It will save you a lot of headaches and costly trips to the auto shop when you replace the oil pressure sensor. These sensors cost around $30, so it is a worthwhile investment to upgrade.
4. Make Sure The Oil Pump Is Working

The oil pressure will decline, and the oil light will begin flashing if the oil pump has mechanical problems. The clearance between the teeth and the oil pump housing should not exceed 0.005 inches for a functional oil pump.
Low oil pressure is caused by excessive clearance. Insufficient engine oil can cause the pump to trap air, resulting in a drop in oil pressure, which causes the oil light to flash.
Overfilling the crankcase with oil also leads to trapped air, resulting in low oil pressure. Dirt and debris trapped inside the oil pump could be a simpler cause of the problem.
Note From The Author:
That light may also be on for other reasons.
- Clogged passages, faulty oil pumps, and low bearing clearance can cause low oil pressure.
- On the back of the engine, there is a bad oil pressure sending unit.
- The wire connecting the oil pressure-sending unit to the instrument cluster is grounded.
- A short is occurring in the integrated control module (which is also connected to the pressure switch).
- The main board of the instrument cluster is malfunctioning.
My main concern is number 1 since it would indicate a low oil pressure. An oil pressure gauge can only be used to verify the pressure by removing the pressure-sending unit.
You can narrow down the problem by paying attention to other vehicle symptoms. You can fix some of these issues easily, such as topping off your oil, which is a less urgent fix.
Other issues, such as using the wrong engine oil, can cause more serious damage and must be addressed right away to prevent costly repairs. Anyhow, you should take your vehicle to a mechanic as soon as possible to discover the problem.
How To Reset Honda Accord Low Oil Pressure Indicator Light?

Resetting the light on your Honda Accord is necessary if the oil pressure light still won’t go out after fixing the problem.
- To do that, you must first turn on your ignition. After pressing the reset button, you will see the engine oil indicator on the screen.
- If the indicator doesn’t blink within a few seconds, press the button again for a few seconds. To reset the light back to 100, press the reset button for five seconds more once it has begun blinking.
- If the problem has been fixed, you should be able to reset the light. However, you should contact the manufacturer if it still doesn’t turn off.
- That’s how you reset the low oil pressure indicator light on a Honda accord whenever you have corrected the problem that triggered the light, but it still persists.
Is It Possible To Drive A Car With Low Oil Pressure?
I would say that you can drive a car that has low oil pressure, but you shouldn’t risk taking that risk. A low oil pressure will trigger the indicator light on the dashboard.
The engine must be turned off immediately if the light appears. It wouldn’t cost much to fix it, then.
It is possible, however, to cause serious damage to your engine if you continue driving the car. In addition, the cost of fixing the low oil pressure will be higher than fixing the low oil pressure yourself.
In Closing
Oil pressure indicator lights indicate an issue with the engine oil when they come on. You must pay attention to it, or your engine could be damaged.
Your Honda Accord can suffer from low oil pressure. If the oil light doesn’t go off after several hours, it may be due to a larger problem requiring an auto shop.
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