Cars often have blackout emblems to conceal their original manufacturers’ logos or to make them look more racing inspired.
If you want to remove black emblems from your car, there are many ways you can do it. If you want to remove the emblems, you can use sandpaper, paint thinner, or other chemicals.
Using an adhesive remover specifically designed for removing stickers will prevent damage to your car.
Emblems can also be removed by scraping off the paint with a razor blade and then cleaning them with rubbing alcohol.
Blacking Out Car Emblems
Using this simple method, you can easily and cheaply blackout your own car emblem/logo. In order to make the decals and the 3D logos, I used Plastidip.
I love how Plasti dip works; it comes off without leaving any residue. Any logo can be blacked out easily, safely, and effectively.
You don’t have to look further if you’re searching for deleting chrome emblems. As an alternative to Plasti dips, vinyl decal overlays are an effective and cheap way to black out logos.
Step 1: Make Sure The Emblem Is Thoroughly Cleaned
The emblem should be thoroughly cleaned using alcohol/sanitizing wipes. The plastic dip should be applied after the surface has been completely dried.

Step 2: Tape Off Emblem
All lettering and logos should be left around 1/4″ to 1/2″ of space when you tape off the emblem. The tape may need to be extended if it is a windy day.

Step 3: Make Sure The Spray Can Works
A lot of people skip this step, and it’s the most important. Take a scrap piece of paper/cardboard and test the spray on it. In order to apply the emblem successfully, you must know how the spray will behave.
I used a Plasti dip can that sprayed extremely vertically. The vertical spray pattern must be taken into account going into it.

Step 4: Apply The First Coat
The first coat should be very light. The first layer should be lightly sprayed on. In spite of the lightness, chrome spots should still be visible.

Step 5: Apply The Second Coat
Depending on the temperature, drying times will vary. When I applied this, it was 80 degrees outside, and it took around 10 minutes for it to dry.
Before applying the second layer, make sure the first layer is dry. Spray the second coat more heavily than the first.
To hit all the angles of the emblem, angle the spray can at different angles.

Step 6: The Last Coat Of Paint
Make sure the second coat has dried completely before applying the third. Last but not least, apply the third coat heaviest.
Make sure it is not too heavy so that it drips. Ensure that the logo is completely covered with no chrome showing and that the surface is smooth.

Step 7: Apply The Glossifier Coat
With this spray can, the spray pattern is rounded instead of square like the previous one. When applying, take this into consideration. I applied only two coats of glossifier after the previous steps.

Step 8: Take Off The Plasti Dip
The Plasti dip should be gently removed. This is what makes this product so amazing. This makes it very easy to remove the blackout emblems on my Honda Civic.
All of the emblems will be perfectly torn away. Remove the lettering slowly by pulling it off slowly. You may need a toothpick or tweezers to get into the tighter spaces.
What Is The Life Expectancy Of Plasti Dip?
Applied properly, Plasti Dip® can last up to three years without requiring touch-ups. The bond will not break and is very durable.
How far you spray and how many coats you apply will greatly affect how long the product will last.
There is no need to worry about a new refresher coat after 3 years or during the three years if desired.
Why Use Plasti Dip To Black Out Emblem And Logos On A Car?
This is an interesting question. It’s an easy way to make your car stand out from the rest of the crowd. It’s also a very cost-effective way to change up your car’s look.
And, if you are looking for something more permanent, it can be a great alternative to painting or vinyl wrapping.

The Plasti dip process starts with applying a base layer of Plasti dip to the exterior of the vehicle and then spraying on layers of color until you get the desired effect.
Final Words
Plasti-dip is not something I personally like. It’s a good idea to remove all the badges, powder coat them, and reapply them if you want to look uber legit.
The emblems could be sold on eBay, or the forum/store associated with your platform pre-powder coated (depending on the vehicle).
Nevertheless, I will always Plasti dip to black out emblems because it is timesaving and does the job.
Blacking out emblems and logos on a car is a common practice among car enthusiasts.
It is important to note that this process doesn’t give the car a matte finish. It just makes it look like the surface has been covered with black paint.
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