If you own a Honda Accord, we are sure that you drive it regularly. So it’s natural for the car’s engine light to dim on and off at some point, indicating that there might be possible problems occurring in the catalytic converter.
When such problems arise in your Honda accord, it is most likely a case of a faulty PO420 Code. You might be now scratching your head thinking of the faulty P0420 Honda Accord 2007.
We aim to cover the means of this PO420 code. Additionally, we have elaborated on possible fixes, troubleshooting, causes, and more about code PO420.
To learn more, read with us below!
PO420 Faulty Code: Overview
The most common reason Honda Accord might be diagnosed with a P0420 is a damaged oxygen detector; however, there are other possibilities. P0420 is among the most prevalent error codes for all Honda cars.
The code content refers to the number displayed when you connect the Honda Accord with an OBDII scanner. This OBDII number has the same significance for all models, regardless of the one you have.
Honda Accord P0420 OBDII Meaning
P0420 is a failure code from the OBDII system. The code is short for Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold.

In every Accord, at least two oxygen sensors are installed, both about the back and front of the exhaust system regardless of mode. One of the primary responsibilities of oxygen sensors is to detect the pollution levels entering and exiting the converter.
The car will display the repair engine-soon light if the results from the transmission and distribution O2 gas sensors are comparable (P0420 – catalyst system efficiency below threshold ). Please be advised that your vehicle is subject to the P0420 code since it will not pass emissions.
Causes Of PO420 Honda Accord Code

Below are the prominent reasons for the P0420 code.
- Catalytic Converter Failure: Catalytic converters remove pollutants from the Accord’s exhaust and might become jammed eventually.
- Exhaust System Leakage: Any significant leak from the exhaust system will result in PO420.
- Engine Temperature Detector: O2 detectors lose range when the car system cannot monitor temperature changes while fuel gets all mixed up.
- Damaged O2 Sensors: Oxygen sensor wires wear out eventually as it’s beside the warm exhausts.
Signs of PO420 Code
You must realize that your Accord might soon throw off a PO420 Code with the signs listed below.
- Engine Light is Activated
- Not Enough Engine Power
- Poor Fuel Economy
- Weird Egg/Sulfur Smell
How to Diagnose for PO420 Code?
We have gathered some essential tips for you below to diagnose the PO420 code of your Honda Accord.
Tip 1
Check if the P0420 code is the only code your Honda is throwing. If there are any other codes, you must research them as well.
Tip 2
Next, inspect for breakage and leaking in the catalytic converter as it can behave unusual like creating noise.
Also, check out gaskets and exhaust pipes. If leaks are detected, fix the leakage, reset the code, and perform multiple drive cycles to resolve the problem.
Tip 3
Using the digital multimeter, test the total voltage of the bottom O2 sensor while your Honda is running at the proper temperature.
If the exhaust system is working correctly, the descending O2 sensor shows a higher constant voltage reading of around 0.45V.
But the catalyst fails if the value of the downstream O2 detector is frequently bouncing between 0.1V and 0.9V. You must change the converter if such is the case.
Note: There is an unique instance – P0420 and P0430 shows at the same time.
The Bottom Line
The oxygen sensors frequently cause P0420 Honda Accord faults. It’ll almost always be the Oxygen gas sensor on the catalytic converter’s main channel.
You’ll likely need to check the O2 detectors and catalytic converters for P0420 if the converter has an exhaust leak. We hope the article was of help, and you can troubleshoot PO420 codes next.
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